Citizen Innovation | NASA Space Apps Cambridge | Humansphere Creathons
Our Citizen Innovation Programs inspire and empower the general public - from children and families - to students in high school, colleges, universities - to working professionals, educators, scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, innovators - to participate in leveraging knowledge, skills, creative talent, and innovative capabilities, towards building solutions to issues (both global and local) and solving challenges facing us on Earth and in space.
NASA International Space Apps Challenge | Cambridge & Greater Boston Edition
The NASA International Space Apps Challenge - Cambridge & Greater Boston Edition brings together enthusiasts for space and the planet from science, technology, engineering, arts and design, media, medicine, humanities, entrepreneurship, and policy backgrounds, across universities, organizations, and companies in Cambridge and Greater Boston, to collaborate in solving challenges facing us locally, on Earth, and in space.
The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is the world’s largest annual hackathon, creating innovation through collaborations, and bringing together the general public to use creativity, science, technology, and open data from NASA and Space Agency Partners to create solutions to challenges on Earth and in space.
The Humansphere Foundation is the executive producer of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge for Cambridge City and the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area, bringing together participants from across the local high schools, and universities like Harvard University, MIT, and over 40 colleges and community colleges in the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area, as well as families, working professionals, artists, educators, and entrepreneurs from the region.
The 2025 NASA International Space Apps Challenge - and NASA Space Apps Cambridge 2025 - will take place on the weekend of October 4-5, 2025 - and will be a hybrid event (both live and virtual) open to the public for participation, for all residents and students living across Cambridge and the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area.
Humansphere Creathons | New England | America | World
The Humansphere Creathon program will unleash the talents, skills, and knowledge of emerging leaders towards helping solve and helping achieve society’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both globally and locally.
The Inaugural Humansphere Creathon New England is a virtual 7-week program that kicks off on April 4, 2025.
“I like to envision the whole world as a jigsaw puzzle… if you look at the whole picture, it is overwhelming and terrifying, but if you work on your little part of the jigsaw and know that people all over the world are working on their little bits, that’s what will give you hope.”
– Dr. Jane Goodall